
Yizkor Board

  • A Memorial Wall has been set up at Chabad of North Irvine in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Rhoda Goodman and Morris & Huguette Saldinger A"H.

    Our sages tell us that the best memorial for a loved one that has passed on is to donate Tzedaka (Charity) in their memory.  With a $500 Tax-Deductible contribution, you can dedicate a plaque on the Memorial. Each plaque will be engraved with the name of the deceased, (Hebrew & English), and date of passing on the Jewish and secular calendar. 

    For more information please contact Rabbi Elly to discuss.  [email protected]

    Names inscribed on the plaque will have their Yahrtzeit observed in the following manner: 

    - During the Yizkor Service the names on the Memorial Wall will be mentioned in prayer and printed in the Yizkor Memorial booklet. 

    - The lights which are adjacent to each plaque will be lit on days when the Yizkor Service is recited and also during the month of Yarzeit.  

    - A letter will be mailed each year with a reminder of the day of the Yahrtzeit. 

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